Well, I have a 360, and its getting boring. Not really , but im trying to convince my self to get rid of it. My cuzo said he would pay the difference of I sold my 360 and bought a ps3. I like the idea of free online gaming. I still love my 360 and getting achievements, but ill never get a hard drive, which you need to play almost all halo 3 game types and campaign. Other than that, the only game I really love is dead or alive 4, but that was a launch game and the online community for that is dwindling. Not that online was EVER good, since there was a 95% lag rate, or you encounter a random reason why you couldn't join a room, just to have to search again. But I digress, 360 is still cool although a little odd in some aspects. Most of my friends have ps3s, so what should I do? Anyone?
*Edit* March/17/2099
Yes, I finally went with the PS3. I was a little scared, since I had to sell all of my other systems to get it, but it did not disapoint! Its like I can do anything with my ps3! Hell, who needs feinds when I have...*glory song activate* a PS3!
J/k j/k
If you wanna add me, my PSN is QueensGangstaX