Hm..where to start...well, I guess I could begin with happy new year yall! Late, I know but now or never right? So I have 19 songs now, (Heres number #19) only two more after my last post, so I'm almost there (the #25 remember?)
So lately I have been listening to 80's songs, and wow it really didn't seem like a bad time period for music! So far I listened to and enjoyed the following: Cars by Gary Numan , PoP! goes my heart (I'm not sure who made this one), Take on me by A-ha, Bust a move by young MC, and of course, who could forget AXLE F? Im sure there are going to be more than this after I'm done posting, , I just thought I would share these with you anyway. I seriously think my next song is going to be an 80's tribute. In other news, I haven't submitted anything to deviant art recently, but if you want to see it click HERE someone else took SONICJ, so I had to settle for sonicjsx. Hm, also I uploaded an amv to YouTube last year I believe, so if you want to see that as well, HERE. speaking of YouTube, I was going to rant about how I hated seeing other flash authors submitions being uploaded to YouTube without their consent, but then I would be a hypocrite since I made a AMV from copyrighted material go figure :\
Otherwise, lifes great for this starting year! I bought Animal Crossing WildWorld for the DS, so if anyone wants to add me PM me your freind code, so we could get to playing. I also have Pokémon pearl as well.
I think that's about all, for now, so SonicJs signing out. Oh, and go here for AC help ---->, they have a nice community and I recommend checking it out ;) See yahz!
*Edit: I knew I was going to miss a good song. "Relax-frankie goes to hollywood"
**Edit: lol, wow and another." 867-5309, by tommy tutone
***Edit youtube: This is the link I mentioned in my song, MetalGearNightmare. ho-w