This is in deservance of a WOOT!, a 5!, a 10!, and a DOWNLOAD! I like the entire song, sounds professional grade! Good job!
This is in deservance of a WOOT!, a 5!, a 10!, and a DOWNLOAD! I like the entire song, sounds professional grade! Good job!
Relaxing wins!
This tune is relaxing to the max. NOtl ike jjazz music relaxing , but trancy state of mind relaxing. It makes day dream.It makes me feel good, like that other guy. 5 and a download!
Ad perhaps, could you check out a song or two of mines?
Wow :)
This is my kind of music. I have to admit, the tittle is slightly weird, but the song is great!!You get a 5 from me!
If you have the time, can you check my stuff :3? I want you to hear posidenrush!
Well, it started out good then kinda didn't. I think that seconds sound came a little bit too soon, so otherwise it's a good song :3
And if you could, check out my songs?
I think I finally found the key! what could be missing may be...A stronger
percussion ! Thats what I think is missing from it :\
I can totally relax to this
Well, looks like im not the only one who felt like making a song about the night.
I was justgoing to upload a song I titled "The cold purple night" And upon looking in the recently submited I saw this.
That ending just broke me.not very cool :| you had a good song going there, then fuxord it up. no 10/10 for you.
Dont be such a vagina. I did it for the lulz.
This seems to be the basis for an epic showdown or final battle in an action movie
(somewhat reminds me of diehard) I vote 5 :D
I want 2013 to be a year of new Audio portal beginnings. I'm going to be doing as many original creations as possible, with few remixes.
Internet Scientist
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Joined on 4/15/06